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How To Get Playlists Back On Traktor Pro

Dec 29, 2014  A tutorial on music library management for DJs using Apple's iTunes and Native Instruments' Traktor Pro DJ software. This video explains a simple but powerful system for managing music via Smart.

You’re heading out to a house party where your friend is taking his laptop to DJ off. You want to play too, but you don’t want the added responsibility of taking your own laptop as you don’t want to keep checking on and you just want to unwind and relax. What can you do?

No problem, all you need is a USB Stick large enough to hold the set that you intend to play. Once you have exported your set list to your USB stick, you can pop that in your pocket and you still have 2 free arms to carry your beers, or to throw around all those ladies that are going to be surrounding you once you’ve played your set!

Moving your tracks to USB

  1. Jun 03, 2013 Here is part 2 of my Traktor Pro 2 Tutorials, in this tutorial you will get more comfortable with the organization and basic preparation of your tracks in your library. The track used in this.
  2. Nov 19, 2010  Okay I tried to duplicate by dragging tracks into the track collection from inside the track collection, from a separate playlist into the track collection and from the iTunes folder inside Traktor into the track collection and didn't get any duplicates. How exactly did you do it? Is it possible they were already duplicate?
  3. Sep 13, 2016 Traktor saves all playlists as part of the 'track collection' (in the file 'collection.nml') Additionally Traktor does automatic backups of the collection whenever you perform major changes to it. So all you need to do is to import an older collection (use the latest one before the 'deletion date'), this will also bring back any playlist.

It’s a very simple process, which starts with you first making a playlist.
[list type=”play”]

  • Right click in the browser tree and create playlist
  • Drag and drop your selected tracks into the playlist
  • Create a folder on your hard drive and give it a name
  • Go back to the playlist in Traktor and right click it
  • Select export, select NML as the export format
  • Check the box that says copy tracks to destination
  • navigate to the folder you just created

You should now have the playlist saved to the folder on your hard drive. All you have to do now is drag that folder to the USB stick and hey presto you now have a copy of your set, complete with tracks and any cue-points you may already have on each of those tracks.

Once you turn up at the party, plug in your usb stick and within Traktor navigate to the USB stick – Now all you have to do is play a blinding set that impresses all your pals and away you go. You can get to work on those beers you brought with you and you can leave your friend to worry about the laptop and all the other DJ equipment. Hopefully now you are able to easily export music to USB Stick in Traktor.

Great for Back up too

This is also a great exercise to perform when DJ’ing in a club too. Even if you have your computer with you, it is just one extra back up for your set. If your computer crashes or something happens to it on the way to the gig, you at least have your set with you. Then you can either use someone elses computer to DJ off of, or to burn the tracks to CD and play a CDJ set. (Yes, you should learn how to use CDJ’s)

Let us know how hard you rocked after turning up with a USB stick to your latest house party. You can even instragram your great time and tag the picture with #Traktortips to appear on the Gallery. If you have any other tips to share let us know in the forum.

photo credit: WarzauWynn via photopincc

on Sep 17, 2015 in DJ & Live Performance 1 comments

Beatport traktor pro 2 review. Beginner posts will be deleted.DJ Setup pictures belong in.Meme/Humor/crappy image posts belong in.Mixes - Most mix posts will be deleted although short routines, showcasing of interesting technique, and videos that shows off the poster doing something cool is fine. Trolling, slapfights, general assholery is not encouraged and it also goes without saying that racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic posts and language will not be tolerated at all.Please ensure you are posting to the correct subreddit.Any and all beginner questions and posts should be made in. We will also allow high profile posts - say if a regular user gets a feature mix on DJCity or a Serato sponsored set or a established DJ set.Gig pictures/Stories - should be posted in the weekly gigs threadThe following topics are against sub rules and will be deleted:. For sale posts. Self-promotion posts including mixes, tunes, events, companies, etc.

The recent new app for DJs, Beatport Pro brings a host of new, convenient features for DJs, including syncing with Beatport and syncing with Native Instruments' Traktor! Sara Simms shows you how.

Beatport Pro is a free application that allows DJs to buy and organize music and add extended metadata. One real advantage that Beatport Pro offers is ability to tag tracks with additional details like genre, mood, instruments and publishing which could be useful when searching for tracks in the heat of a set. It also offers integration with Beatport, making it easier to buy and purchase tracks. While many DJs may not be jumping at the notion of switching to a new system for organization, it's worth taking a closer look at this application, especially if you purchase a lot of music from Beatport.

How To Get Playlists Back On Traktor Pro 3

Here's what Beatport Pro offers DJs:

  • Easy importing
  • Ability to create and manage playlists
  • An organization system that's made for DJs and producers; sort your collection by tracks, stems, parts and more
  • Enhanced meta data and tagging
  • Advanced filtering and and filter presets
  • Integration with Beatport
  • Ability to Re-order Playlists
  • Directly purchase and sort high quality WAV and AIFF files from Beatport
  • Integrated Play Queue
  • Download Manager
  • Metadata Migration Assistant


One of the most useful features of Beatport Pro is the ability to use filters to sort through music collections. Filters can be added and used to quickly search to locate tracks. Filters can include the mood, style and publishing date and a wide range of other values. Rather than simply searching for the track title and artist name, you'll be able to find songs in different ways.

For me, one of the major drawbacks of digital DJing is that finding records to play is largely an uninspiring task. Back in the day, when DJs still used crates of records, you could randomly pull a song from your crate and want to play it because it evoked a certain emotion. Finding tracks by using filters like mood, rather than searching for song titles may lead to sets that are more spontaneous and fun to play.

All these benefits do come with a price; if you're already using another organization system, it's going to take time to import and re-tag your music collection with Beatport Pro. That being said, if you work at importing a couple tracks or playlists every day, over time you'll have a newly sorted collection. If you tag your tracks using the metadata tagging system Beatport Pro offers, you'll be able to search for music in non-traditional ways. That being said, change is good.

If you're ready to take the plunge, here's a guide on how to set up Beatport Pro with Traktor.

Download the Software

Start out by downloading Beatport Pro here:

The application is optimized for OS X Mountain Lion (or newer) users. Once the software is installed on your system, sign in using your Beatport username and password.

Import Your Tracks

How To Get Playlists Back On Traktor Pro Software

(insert pic: add files)

Rather than importing an entire library, Beatport Pro works best if you import a few tracks at a time. You can do this by clicking: File/Add Files to Collection. Try starting out by importing tracks for one playlist. Beatport Pro doesn't copy the files to a new location; it just points to their original location.

Sync with Beatport

Next, click on one of the tracks in your library to highlight it and then click on 'Sync with Beatport' in the top right hand corner.

Make sure the title is typed correctly at the top of the screen and check the box next to the corresponding track in the Beatport catalog. Place a check mark next to the Metadata option(s) you'd like Beatport Pro to update. I have left 'Artist' and 'Key' unchecked because my files are analyzed with Mixed in Key. The keys of my records are written into the track's title and I prefer to keep the track titles as they appear after Mixed in Key analysis. I also leave the song's key metadata unchecked, as I find the Mixed in Key file naming system to be more accurate.


Below the track you can click on the pencil to open the editable regions for Genre, Mood, Vocal, Venue and Set Time. Use each of these categories to add information in the track; you can use the categories to quickly search for tracks in Beatport Pro. Once you've tagged the tracks, they're ready to be added to a Playlist. Create a new playlist by clicking on the Playlist tab on the left, then clicking on Add Playlist. Drag multiple tracks into the Playlist from the main Audio Collection.


Once you've created your playlists (or a couple of them) you're ready to export the iTunes library file (.xml file) from Beatport Pro. To do this, click on Preferences, then Export. Place a check mark next to the box that says Export library as an iTunes Music Library file and choose the location where the file will be created.

Syncing in Traktor

How To Get Playlists Back On Traktor Pro Download

Open up Traktor and click on the Preferences. Navigate to the File Management and in the Directories category, go to iTunes Music Library and select the .xml file you created with Beatport Pro by clicking on the '..!' box. Once you've selected your new Beatport Pro iTunes library file, close the Preferences. Lastly, refresh your iTunes library by right-clicking on the iTunes icon in Traktor's tree and clicking Refresh. You should see the playlists you created in Beatport Pro show up in Traktor.

Inspect elementsGo to the Elements panel of your DevTools instance, and hover over an element to highlight it in the viewport of your Android device.You may also tap an element on your Android device screen to select it in the Elements panel. Debug c with chrome dev tools debugger.

If you do need to revert back to your previous iTunes library, simply select this iTunes library file in Traktor's Preferences. (File Management/Directories/iTunes Music Library) and then Refresh the iTunes library in Beatport.

Beatport Pro offers many organization advantages to music producers and DJs, such as the ability to organize by tracks, stems, parts, loops, oneshots and SFX. It also offers easy integration with Beatport, the most popular online store for cutting edge dance tracks. If you currently have an overcrowded library that needs weeding, Beatport Pro may be a great way to re-sort through your collection without discarding files. While it does take some time to get started with Beatport Pro, this application may be the answer for DJs who are looking for an alternative to iTunes.

How To Get Playlists Back On Traktor Problems

Watch & Learn to DJ with NI Traktor Pro HERE.

How To Get Playlists Back On Traktor Pro Mac

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